Customs licenses

Representation activities in customs procedures can be executed by person that a holder of a license for representation activities.

License for representation activities in customs procedures shall be granted to a person meeting the following conditions:

  • minimum secondary education, with work experience of at least two years in the area of customs operations and who has passed the Exam for licensed representative
  • has not been punished in the previous two years preceding the date of application for license by final misdemeanour sanction imposed by competent authority responsible for misdemeanour affairs, i.e. court for committed serious customs offence, or has not been found guilty with a final verdict for committed crime against the public finances, payment operations and the economy, crimes against the official duty, the legal affairs or a crime determined by the Excises Law and
  • is a holder of internationally recognised certificate issued by an official European tester being a member of the Association of testers in Europe ALTE, or certificate issued by CERF international examination institution at А1 level, i.e. BULATS or APTIS; or TOEFEL PBT with minimum score 310, TOEFEL CBT with minimum score 35 or TOEFEL IBT with minimum score 10.

Professional exam for licensed representative can be passed by a person with:

  • minimum secondary education,
  • minimum one year of work experience in the area of customs operations,
  • internationally recognised certificate issued by an official European tester being a member of the Association of testers in Europe ALTE, or certificate issued by CERF international examination institution at А1 level, i.e. BULATS or APTIS; or TOEFEL PBT with minimum score 310, TOEFEL CBT with minimum score 35 or TOEFEL IBT with minimum score 10 and
  • certificate confirming finished training for licensed representative.
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