Objects of historical and cultural worth

Предмети од историска и културна вредност

The following objects and goods of cultural and historical worth are subject to regime of special licenses and certificates for export or temporary export from Macedonia:

  • Archeological objects (dug out from land or taken out from water, originating from a certain period),
  • Ethnological objects (object witnesses of a life-style, tradition, customs etc.),
  • Historical objects (originating from certain historical events or were used by historical persons, as well as old coins– money),
  • Objects of art (paintings, drawings, sculptures, etching, engravings and other artistic pieces),
  • Technical objects (machines, tools, instruments, equipment etc. originating from a certain stage of technical progress),
  • Archive materials (selected, original or reproduced documented materials of permanent worth),
  • Library goods (old manuscripts produced up to the end of XIXth century, old and rare books and other publications),
  • Cinematographic goods (recorded cinematographic pieces, films – cartoons documentaries, scientific and popular films etc.),
  • Audio-visual goods (original materials and sound copies of scripts, photographs, slides, posters etc.) and
  • Objects from sound archives (original materials of recorded sounds, i.e. original musical and other type of sound recordings).

Cultural heritage of particular significance (such as protected museum collections) must not be exported.

Cultural heritage which is not under general prohibition for export, as well as goods which are considered as national treasure may only be exported with a license issued by the Cultural Heritage Protection Office.

Cultural goods which are not subject to special regime of protection

Passengers may freely take out objects and goods such as:

  • reproductions
  • copies of museum exhibits (antiquities and other museum objects), accompanied with a certificate, acknowledging the copy, the origin of the original and the institution - issuer.
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