Проект „Консултација за модернизација на Царинската управа на Република Северна Македонија“- поддржан од Царинска служба на Јужна Кореја

Project facts

Objective: Strengthening the capacities of the Customs Administration through its modernization to increase the operational productivity and contribute to institutional capacity building, particularly in the area of express shipments, detection of illegal financial flows, as well as risk analysis in e-trade. The project enables further computerization and facilitation of customs procedures to improve the services the country offers to economic operators and at the same time ensure greater national security through better control of the international movement of goods and passengers

Duration:: 2020

Value: EUR 700.000 

Outcome: A Report was handed over with proposal - establishment of a Master Plan after analysis of the current process and the IT system of the Customs Administration and a proposal for a development model. The recommendation for further support of the Customs Administration by the Korean Customs Service is assistance in providing funds for project implementation and the upcoming procurement processes.

Проект на USAID за Регионален економски развој, управување и раст на претпријатијата, успешно реализиран во насока на воспоставување на заеднички контроли со Република Албанија на граничениот премин Ќафасан-Кафтане

Project facts:

Objective: To create conditions for introduction of joint controls with the Republic of Albania at the Kafasan-Kaftane border crossing. The project covers procurement of control equipment for the border crossing point Kjafasan-Qafthane, hiring an expert consultant, training courses and study visits for employees of the Macedonian and Albanian Customs Administrations. .

Duration:: 2020-2021 

Value: USD 100.000

Outcome: Control equipment for the Macedonian and Albanian customs services was procured, training courses were conducted, and a study visit was realized for customs officers from both countries.

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