Weapons and ammunition

Оружје и муниција

Bringing and transporting fire arms or other weapons and ammunition through the territory of the Repulic of Macedonia is prohibited by law. These include:.

  • fire arms
  • collector weapons
  • pneumatic weapons
  • gas weapons
  • explosive weapons
  • cold weapons (for example, knives, knuckle dusters, swords etc.)
  • archery weapons
  • weapons for audio-visual signalization
  • electrical paralysers
  • ammunition

Bringing weapons and ammunition into Macedonia is permitted only in case of possession of a special permit/authorisation issued by the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Macedonia. This applies to weapons used for hunting or shooting.

The following are not considered weapons:

  • Decorative weapons
  • Weapons imitations
  • Vintage weaponry
  • Permanently disabled weapons
  • Replicas of antique weapons
  • Weapons for industrial use and
  • Harpoons for underwater
  • Harpoons for underwater fishing.

Failure to observe the Law is punishable.

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