
The work of the Customs Administration is carried out through basic and internal organizational forms. Basic organizational forms are: Sectors and Customs Houses. Internal organizational forms are: departments, units, customs offices and sections.

The work of the Customs Administration is carried out through 5 regional customs houses, 9 sectors and 4 independent departments.


The Department - Office of the Director General unifies the functions of the internal organizational units in order to coordinate, organize, monitor and direct their activities and promote mutual cooperation, thus providing support to the work of the Director General  and the Deputy Director General of the Customs Administration. The department carries out work of organizational and technical nature, protocol, coordination, preparation of information for the public and the media.

The Department realizes its competences through:

  • Unit for public relations
  • Unit for correspondence and organizational matters


The Department for Internal Audit carries out work related to the planning, organization and implementation of internal audits, in accordance with legal regulations, international standards for internal audit and the established audit policies of the Ministry of Finance, as well as the work instructions and the charter of the Department for Internal Audit

Контакт (генерлен контакт одделението – фиксен телефон)


The Sector for international cooperation and EU integration, projects and strategic planning, carries out work related to the initiation, monitoring and coordination of international customs cooperation within the administration, coordination of cooperation with the World Customs Organization, the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, the European Commission, diplomatic and consular missions and other international organizations and institutions; preparation of materials for monitoring of the undertaken obligations and given recommendations, which result from the process of European integration, which are the competence of the Customs Administration; coordination of the strategic goals and priorities of the Customs Administration in accordance the priorities of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, preparation, monitoring and analysis of the implementation of the Strategic Plan of the Customs Administration; participation in programming, preparation of tender documentation, monitoring of the implementation and coordination of other activities in cooperation with other organizational units in the Customs Administration or other external competent bodies/authorities, related with the implementation of projects financed by IPA programs or other foreign aid; translation services of official documentation for the needs of the Customs Administration. 

The Sector realizes its competences through:

  • Department for international cooperation and EU integration;
    • Unit for international cooperation and EU integration;
    • Unit for translation;
  • Department for Projects and Strategic Planning;
    • Unit for projects;

Unit for strategic planning.


The Sector for customs system performs tasks related to monitoring and analyzing customs, tax, foreign trade, foreign exchange and other regulations that are applied in the customs procedure, building the customs system and policy; preparation of draft regulations, operational instructions for the customs authorities when applying the regulations in customs procedure, preparation of authorizations and decisions for procedures with an economic impact and simplified procedures, cooperation with other authorities and organizations on matters of application of customs related regulations, participation in international negotiations in the area of customs operations.

The Sector realizes its competences through:

  • Department for customs and tax procedures;
  • Department for border and transit formalities;
    • Unit for border and transit formalities,
    • Unit for inquiry and recovery procedure in transit.
  • Department for customs tariff, origin, customs value of goods;
    • Unit for customs tariff;
    • Unit for origin and customs value of goods.
  • Department for integrated tariff – TARIM;
  • Department for customs laboratory


The Sector for Professional Responsibility performs work related to control in the organizational units of the Customs Administration concerning the laid down procedures and competences in accordance with law, by-laws and operational instructions, work tasks, rights and responsibilities. The sector has a preventive role, detection and elimination of corruption, unprofessional conduct, improper management, misuse, frauds and caused damages.

The Sector realizes its competences through:

  • Department for internal control;
  • Department for internal investigations;
  • Department for integrity.


The Sector for Excises carries out work related to the implementation of the entire procedure for the collection of excise duties for tobacco products, alcohol and alcoholic beverages and energy and electricity, as well as tax on motor vehicles in internal circulation, monitoring and controlling the collection of excise duties and motor vehicles tax, providing guidance and professional assistance to organizational units of the Customs Administration and external institutions under the competence of the sector, preparing and participating in the development of draft laws and other general acts that the customs service authorities apply in the excise and customs procedures, cooperation with business entities and the general public and informing them in a timely manner, following the regulations of the European Community and participating in the alignment of the national legislation with the regulations of the European Community, participating in professional education of customs officers and other participants in the excise and customs procedure, monitoring and analyzing the regulations in the area of intellectual property, non-tariff measures and foreign exchange and trade measures, which are applied in the customs procedure.

The Sector realizes its competences through:

  • Department for alcohol, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products,
  • Department for energy, electricity and motor vehicles,
  • Department for excise licenses and authorizations,
  • Unit for coordination and coordination (ЕМСS);
  • Department for surveillance, verification and coordination
    • Unit for surveillance, verification and analytics
  • Department for non-tariff measures and protection of intellectual property rights
    • Unit for non-tariff measures and
    • Unit for protection of intellectual property rights.


The Sector of Control and Investigations carries out work related to the implementation of measures and activities for the detection and criminal investigation of crimes, prevention of further consequences of crimes, capture and reporting of their perpetrators, planning and organizing activities in the area of financial crime, taking measures and activities for tracking down and identifying illegally acquired property, proceeds of crime, subject to money laundering and other property against which temporary security measures should be taken, as well as proposing measures for temporary confiscation of property benefit acquired by criminal means crime and securing evidence as part of the judicial police. The Sector for Control and Investigations carries out post-clearance control of companies and individual traders by checking the existence, reliability and accuracy of documents, inspection of business books and other records, inspection of goods, sampling and implementation of official procedures and other similar actions in regarding compliance with customs and other regulations that apply to goods, subject to customs procedures for releasing goods into free circulation, transit, export, import for processing, processing under customs control, temporary import, export for processing, customs storage, simplified procedures, preferential tariff treatment for certain goods due to their type or end use and other procedures related to the Customs Law. The Sector also controls authorized customs agents and performs external control of holders of excise permits and other approvals, authorized distributors of excise goods, persons who using liquid petroleum gas aspropellant or as an addition to other mineral oil as a propellant in the industry and with other excise tax payers determined by the Law on Excises, control of turnover and use of excise goods by legal entities and external control with tax payers determined by the Law on motor vehicle tax.

The Customs Call Centre performs tasks related to: planning and organizing 24-hour operation of the department; "call management", manages reports (answers, reviews, processes, communicates, notifies users about reported problems); provides support to users of applications used in the Customs Administration, cooperates and provides support to economic operators in electronic data exchange, the National Helpdesk for the New Computerized Transit System, which is located in this department, cooperates with the national Helpdesks of other member countries of the Convention on a common transit procedure, manages the video surveillance system, records and transmits data from the automatic number plate recognition system; receives information about nuclear, chemical, biological and radiological dangers, and weapons of mass destruction, evaluates them and informs the responsible state institutions for further action; cooperates with organizational units in the Customs Administration and state authorities within the department's competence when taking measures to overcome emergency situations; provides logistic support and coordination of SCI and customs offices; since 2003 Customs Hotline 197 operates within the department, where citizen complaints about corrupt and unprofessional work are reported, which are analyzed and forwarded to competent organizational units for action. In this way, the policies, standards and procedures that are an integral part of the integrity system are handled and resistance to corruption and other types of abuses are strengthened; participation in the training process of customs officers and users of systems from the external domain and others.

The Sector realizes its competences through:

  • Investigation Department;
    • Unit for fight against economic crime;
    • Anti-smuggling Unit;
    • Financial investigations Unit;
  • Intelligence Department;
  • Risk management Department
    • Unit for risk-management;
    • Unit for analytics and statistics;
  • Department for control of trade companies;
  • Operational Matters Department;
    • Unit for Mobile Teams;
    • Unit for Mobile Scanners
  • Customs Call Centre
    • Unit for coordination and operations
    • Unit Service Centre


The sector carries out work related to planning, organization and implementation of special investigative measures stipulated in the Law on Criminal Procedure and undertakes activities for securing evidence that cannot be secured otherwise, which is necessary for the smooth conduct of criminal proceedings, conducts criminal investigation of criminal cases acts, prevention of further consequences of criminal acts, reporting of their perpetrators and provision of evidence as part of the judicial police;

The Sector realizes its competences through:

  • Department for special investigative measures;
    • Unit for marking;
    • Unit for reproducers;
    • Unit for technical processing of special investigative measures
  • Department for monitoring, surveillance and documenting
    • Unit for monitoring and surveillance
    • Unit for technical support


The Sector for Information and Communication Technologies carries out work related to the planning, development, implementation and maintenance of ICT systems, management of the life cycle of applications, management of ICT services and introduction of new technologies. The Sector defines and implements policies for IT security and access rights to ICT systems. It organizes the exchange of data with state institutions and Customs Administrations of other countries, carries out activities for storing, keeping and maintaining data.

The Sector realizes its competences through:

  • Department for ICT infrastructure and security
    • Unit for ICT infrastructure
    • Unit for ICT control and security
  • Department for application support
    • Unit for application management
    • Unit for customer support
  • Unit for programming, data warehousing and development
    • Unit for programming and data warehousing
    • Unit for development


The Sector for human resources management carries out work related to improvement of the functionality and effectiveness of the employees in the Customs Administration and improving the organizational capacities as a whole. It provides general support to all organizational units, conducts functional analyzes and makes organizational changes based on the strategic priorities of the Customs Administration based on which it prepares the Regulations on the internal organization and work of the Customs Administration and the Regulation on the systematization of job posts in the Customs Administration.

Due to the fact that human resources are the most valuable capital that an institution can have, the Sector of Human Resources Management plans, manages and supervises the activities related to recruitment, selection, promotion and deployment of employees by implementing equal treatment to everyone in order to to optimize their productivity and make maximum use of their capacities and skills. The department provides consultative guidelines for the most favorable practices for human resources management in specific situations, assists and coordinates timely responses to the needs of employees, upon their request and according to their needs. The Sector for human resources management implements various programs through which it coordinates the implementation of training and guides the development of employees towards the achievement of better work results for each employee in all organizational units, and thus for the Customs Administration as a whole.

At the same time, the Sector for Human Resources Management, through the adopted laws and by-laws, ensures equal treatment in the management of work performance, disciplinary procedures, records, employee benefits, risk management, insurance, compensation classification and all other activities that are in the domain of the sector.

The Sector realizes its competences through:

Regional training center


Training of employees for the needs of the Customs Administration and the business community, required for the regional integration CEFTA 2006, through the establishment of professional training programs with full implementation of the professional standards, recommended by the World Customs Organization.


Upgrading the training center for continuous professional training of customs officers and representatives of the business community so that it grows into a leading training institution on topics related to trade rules and trade facilitation within the multilateral trading system, which will be based entirely on professional standards of the World Customs Organization for the Republic of North Macedonia and the CEFTA region 2006.


RTC is located at the Faculty of Economics at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. The faculty has 4 amphitheaters, the smallest of which has a capacity of 80 students, while the largest - for 200 students. There are four computer labs, of which the smallest has 35 computers and the largest 75. The faculty has a phono-laboratory and 7 lecture halls. All amphitheaters, computer labs and lecture halls are equipped with LCD projectors and internet connection. The faculty also has wireless internet throughout the facility. It also has two faculty libraries, a specialized library of the World Bank and a Center for European Data and Information. In addition, the faculty has a reading room with about 200 seats and internet caffe for students.



Prof Irena Kikerkova, PhD
Full-time Professor of International Economics and International Trade
Head of WCO RTC in the Republic of North Macedonia
Faculty of Economics- Skopje,
Blvd. “Krste Misirkov” bb, 1000 Skopje
Republic of North Macedonia
Tel:2 3 286 860
Fax: 2 3 117 801

Zaklina Andreska
Head of Training Department
WCO RTC Coordinator
Customs Administration of the Republic of North Macedonia
“Lazar Lichenoski” no 13, 1000 Skopje
Republic of North Macedonia
Tel:2 3 116 188
Fax: 2 3 237 832

Marijana Sekulovska
(administrative coordinator)
Ss. Cyril and Methodious University in Skopje ,
Faculty of Economics- Skopje,
Blvd. “Krste Misirkov” bb, 1000 Skopje
Republic of North Macedonia
Tel:2 3 286 835
Fax: 2 3 117 801


The Sector for Financial Affairs performs tasks related to coordination of the establishment and development of the financial management and control system (monitoring the full and timely collection of own revenues, timely payment of expenses in accordance with the procedures for undertaking obligations and making payments, monitoring the compliance of the execution of the budget as a whole or for separate budget items with the procedures adopted by the head of the subject and/or the Minister of finance, monitoring of the budget and financial reporting, preparation of the budget proposal for the next year and multi-year projections related to the budget, etc.) , as well as collection of import and export duties in accordance with the Customs Law (record-keeping of customs debtors, monitoring the financial debts of customs debtors for timely payment of obligations based on customs debt, approval and payment of instruments for securing customs debt, forced recovery of uncollected revenues, as well as an analysis of realized import revenues).

The Sector realizes its competences through:

  • Department for accounting and payments;
    • Accounting Unit;
    • Payment Unit;
  • Department for budget coordination and control;
    • Unit for budget coordination;
    • Unit for budget control;
  • Department for revenue collection;
    • Unit for guarantees;
    • Unit for revenue collection;
    • Unit for forced recovery.


The Sector for Administrative and Technical Affairs carries out work related to securing the facilities, employees, vehicle fleet and other property of the Customs Administration; control of reception, movement and registration of visitors; taking measures for safety and health at work; maintenance and use of the vehicle fleet; investments and construction of facilities; implementation of procedures in accordance with the Law on the use and disposal of the property of state bodies; construction of new facilities; rehabilitation, extension, reconstruction of existing buildings; management of border crossing points and care for the maintenance of facilities, i.e. the infrastructure of the Customs Administration; implementation of public procurement procedures in accordance with the Law on Public Procurement, delivery of seized goods to the Agency for Management of Seized Property, etc..

The Sector realizes its competences through:

  • Department for public procurement
  • Department for safety, security at work and vehicle fleet
  • Department for investments, project implementation and maintenance
  • Department for management of border crossing points
    • Unit for management of border crossing points
  • Department for material work, assets and seized and forfeited goods.


The Sector for Legal Affairs decides, as first-instance authority in customs administrative and misdemeanor proceedings, and represents the Customs Administration in criminal proceedings and property and legal disputes before the competent courts in which the Customs Administration has the capacity of a party. At the same time the Sector is competent for investing regular and extraordinary legal remedies against the adopted decisions of the first-instance and administrative courts in the indicated procedures. The Sector handles documentary material in accordance with the legal regulations.

The Sector realizes its competences through:

  • Department for legal affairs, court representation and administrative procedure
    • Unit for legal affairs
    • Unit for court representation
    • Unit for administrative procedure
  • Department for misdemeanor procedure
  • Department for office and archive operation
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