IPA 2013

Проект „Реконструкција на објектите за царинење и инспекција на Граничниот премин за патен промет Ќафасан и надзор на изведбата на проектот“

Project facts:

Overall objective: facilitation of cross border procedures and enforcement of the legislation through the upgrade of the customs clearance and inspection facilities, thus enabling better services to the benefit of the economic operators to move their goods faster across the border, and enhanced protection of the country and the society

Specific objective: construction of a new import-export customs terminal of 9,500 m2, access roads, facilities for clearance and other inspection authorities; reconstruction of the existing facilities.

Duration: 24 months (2017 - 2019) 

Value: EUR 1.5 million

Result: the infrastructure of the crossing for goods consignments has been improved and the throughput of the crossing the flow has been increased, the time needed to perform border formalities has been reduced, it has been possible to: apply modern means of inspection, speed up and facilitate the exchange of goods, increased energy efficiency through reconstruction of the old administrative building and the introduction of a crossing lighting system that contributed to the facilitation and acceleration of transport along the Pan-European Corridor 8.

Проект „Зајакнување на оперативни и институционални капацитети на Царинската управа“

The project “Strengthening the operational and institutional capacities of the Customs Administration” had 2 components:

  1. Twinning Project “Strengthening the operational and institutional capacities of the Customs Administration” with twining partners: Agency for European Integration and Economic Development and the Federal Ministry of Finance of Austria, Ministry of Finance of Lithuania
  2. Supply of Laboratory Equipment for the Customs Administration

Overall objective of the project was to further strengthen the administrative capacity of the Customs Administration and its capacity to implement the Acquis and reforms to meet EU requirements in the area of ​​Customs and bring the country closer to the EU Market and the Customs Union. The development of effective and efficient controls (including controls after customs clearance) and audits of the Customs Administration enabled the institution to carry out its tasks (customs clearance and control of goods, revenue collection, border protection and safety and security of citizens) and contributed to further facilitation of trade by maintaining a balance between trade facilitation and efficient customs control.

Specific objective: The efficiency in the detection and prevention of customs fraud has been increased through more effective and targeted controls, the capacities for controls after customs clearance have been strengthened, modern laboratory methods and means - equipment for the customs laboratory, acquired within the framework of this project - have been introduced and applied. The project contributed to trade facilitation by improving risk analysis according to EU standards.

Duration: 24 months (2017-2019)

Value: EUR 1.6 million (twinning) + EUR 0.4 million (laboratory equipment)

Results: An analysis of the Customs Law of the Republic of North Macedonia with the EU Customs Law was performed and a draft text was prepared; a strategy and procedures and instructions for performing comprehensive and planned controls of trading companies have been prepared, numerous trainings have been conducted for future trainers and employees for performing such controls; The procedures for effective risk management in customs operations at all levels were audited and complied with the EU, as well as training of trainers and employees on risk management; 8 new analytical methods have been introduced for testing in the laboratory, and the use of new laboratory equipment, and preparation for the introduction of a quality management system according to the ISO 17025 standard; A long-term training strategy has been developed, as well as an appropriate structure for the implementation of quality training for the employees of the Customs Administration through the acquisition of modern skills of the trainers.

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