List of protocols of origin in free trade agreements

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Agreement Partnership, Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the Republic of North Macedonia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Protocol Protocol
Official Gazette Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia, no. 301/20
PEM convention
Agreement Regional Convention on Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Preferential Rules of Origin
Protocol Appendix 1
Official Gazette Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia, no. 66/12
Agreement Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Turkey
Protocol Protocol 2
Official Gazette Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia, no. 83/99, 68/07, 25/09, 84/18 and 129/18
Agreement Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and Ukraine
Protocol Protocol C
Official Gazette Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia, no. 53/01
European Union
Agreement Stabilization and Association Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the European Community
Protocol Protocol 4
Службен весник Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia, no. 28/01, 27/04, 31/04, 46/05, 68/06, 122/07, 119/08, 185/13, 25/16, 71/16 and 245/21
Agreement Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the EFTA States
Protocol Protocol B
Official Gazette Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia, no. 89/01, 62/03, 163/09 and 279/21
Agreement Agreement on amending and acceding to the Central European Free Trade Agreement
Protocol Annex 4
Official Gazette Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia, no.69/07, 117/11, 131/14, 130/15, 124/19 and 240/22
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