Open Balkan Initiative

The Open Balkans Initiative stems from the need for greater regional integration. Initially, this initiative was referred to as the Advanced Regional Cooperation Initiative or "Mini Schengen". Open Balkan is currently an initiative in which North Macedonia, Albania and Serbia are members, and aims to promote and develop the capacity of the region, as well as to bring concrete benefits to citizens and the business community. This initiative is an opportunity to strengthen regional economic cooperation and promote freedom of movement of people and goods. The main goal of Open Balkan is to overcome the social, economic and trade barriers that hinder economic growth in the region by implementing the four freedoms on which European integration is based, freedom of movement of goods, workers, capital and services.

One of the benefits of this initiative is the establishment of a regional market among the member countries of the initiative. Within the Open Balkan, agreements have been signed establishing joint border crossing points and allowing shorter cargo delays at the border. Additionally, progress has been made in improving the business climate throughout the region by signing agreements on mutual recognition of Authorized Economic Operator (MRA) authorisations. Green corridors have been established, ensuring that products and services reach the markets in the region faster.

Договори за воспоставување на заеднички контроли

Договори за за взаемното признавање на одобренијата за Овластен економски оператор.

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