With the accession to the Convention on a Common Transit Procedure (CTC), the Republic of North Macedonia started using the NCTS phase 4 system - a modern tool for implementing the transit procedure.

According to the terms of the Convention on a Common Transit Procedure, all its members should upgrade the system to NCTS phase 5, a new version with improved functionalities.

This is the first update of the NCTS system with changes foreseen in terms of bringing the system in line with the legal requirements set with the Union Customs Code (UCC) and the Convention on a Common Transit Procedure.

One of the major changes is the harmonization of IE messages exchange with the necessary data defined in the Annexes to the EU Regulations and the Convention, taking into account the EU customs data model.

The upgrades of the NCTS 5 system, will ensure easier registration of "En route" events during the transit procedure and the introduction of new processes and the role of the customs office, a transit declaration with reduced set of data will be implemented and submission of a declaration before placing the goods for inspection will be introduced, as well as electronic exchange of messages between different declaration systems at EU level. Data migration from NCTS 4 to NCTS 5 will follow as well.

The Customs Administration, in cooperation with an external contractor has already started the development and implementation of the new NCTS 5 system, which should be put into production at the end of the first quarter of 2024.*

The Customs Administration will regularly inform its partners, the economic operators, about all planned activities that will follow.

All necessary information regarding all phases of the implementation of this project can be found here.


Updated documents related to the trader specifications. Briefly, the documents are updated as follows:

  1. Updated the structure of the TR083 message in response to the respective question of the software developer (see MK-UCC.NCTSp5.Message Structures document)
  2. The next release of NCTS will include the functionality of selecting a declaration at the office of destination for control. In that case the Trader at destination will be informed for the controls with the TR060 message. The structure of the message is described in the MK-UCC.NCTSp5.Message Structures document and the respective flow in the MK-UCC.NCTSp5.Message Exchanges document

The documents are uploaded with track changes for the convenience of the reader.

Updated XSDs for the trader specifications.

  1. The TR083 message is corrected to accept the attached documents;
  2. The TR060 message for the optional functionality of the controls at destination;
  3. The namespace is adjusted to NMK environment.


Functional and Technical requirement specification - NCTS5

European Specification - Main Document

How to prepare for the introduction of NKTS - phase 5

Access to the new NCTS system - phase 5 can be through its own internally developed software and/or through the Customs Trader Portal. For software preparation and implementation of B2G interface with NCTS 5 please use the initial technical specification for the exchange of messages by downloading the file here: Technical specification for the interface for B2G with NCTS 5 

Technical Specs may be subject to changes and additions.



Second version of technical specification for the interface for B2G with NCTS 5

Updated technical specification for the interface for B2G with NCTS 5

/content/documents/NCTS 5/B2GMessage.xsd

/content/documents/NCTS 5/xmldsig-core-schema.xsd

Samples of payloads to send to the submitDeclaration service of the NCTS B2G Gateway 

/content/documents/NCTS 5/CC007C-payload.json

/content/documents/NCTS 5/CC015C-payload.json

Final functionalities related to digital signing will be published additionally.



Modification in the B2GMESSAGE xsd file

/content/documents/NCTS 5/B2GMessage.xsd

Samples of payloads

/content/documents/NCTS 5/CC015C-payload.txt

/content/documents/NCTS 5/CC007C-payload.txt



https://ncts5-test-ext.customs.gov.mk/ncts-gateway/v1/gateway is the resource root to be used when invoking the services in the B2G Trader Specifications document.

Kindly find below the complete URLs for the services described there:



SubmitMessage (paragraph #3.4)


GetByCommID (paragraph #3.5)


GetByMRN (paragraph #3.6)


GetByID (paragraph #3.7)


GetByMsgID (paragraph #3.8)


While using the above web services, please observe the specifications at paragraphs 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 in the document.


Contact for additional technical information

e-mail: CDEPS-Software-Kontakt@customs.gov.mk

* Putting the new system NCTS 5 into production is planned for October 2024.

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