Customs valuation

The customs value is regulated by the provisions of:

  • Article 27 - 45 of the Customs Law and
  • Article 61 - 93 and Appendix 13 – Remarks for the interpretation of the rules for customs value of the Customs Law Implementing Regulation.

The Customs Law prescribes the following methods of determining customs valuation:

  • Transaction value;
  • Transaction value of identical goods;
  • Transaction value of similar goods;
  • Deductive method of valuation;
  • Computed method and
  • Fall-back method.

Method 1: Transaction value method The most common and the primary method of valuation is to use the transaction value. The goods are subject to transaction, on the basis of which they are export from a country and imported into the Republic of Macedonia. When transaction value cannot be used, other methods are applied.

Method 2: Transaction value of identical goods The valuation of the goods is based on the transaction value of identical goods sold for export in the Republic of Macedonia in approximately the same time as the goods subject to valuation, in approximately same quantities and at identical commercial level.

Method 3: Transaction value of similar goods The value of the goods is calculated on the basis of the transaction value of similar goods sold for export in the Republic of Macedonia in approximately same time as the goods subject to valuation, in approximately same quantity and on same commercial level.

Method 4: Deductive method (price per unit) The customs value is determined on the basis of the sales price of the imported goods in the Republic of Macedonia, or of identical or similar imported goods, deduced for the costs added following the export of the goods.

Method 5: Computed value method (construction value) Under this method, the customs value is determined on the basis of the production costs of the goods subject to valuation, plus an amount for profit and general expenses usually reflected in sales from the country of exportation to the country of importation of goods of the same class or kind. In certain cases, this method can be applied prior to the deductive method of valuation.

Method 6: Fallback or flexible method The fall-back method is used when the customs value cannot be determined under any of the previous methods. According to this method, the customs value of the goods may be determined using data available in the Republic of Macedonia, without prejudice to the cases of exception stipulated in the Article 34 of the Customs Law. This method should be based on previously determined values and methods with a higher degree of flexibility in their application, in order to determine the value by using reasonable means, which is a reason to consider this method as “flexible method” of valuation.

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