Проект за олеснување на трговијата и транспортот во земјите од Западен Балкан (Светска банка)

Project facts

Project facts: The Customs Administration, the agencies and the inspection services participating in the customs procedure will receive a new National Single Window System (NSW) for harmonization of the processes and data for processing cross-border permits of goods, applying the regulations and technical specifications in accordance with EU standards and practices. This project will also modernize and reconstruct the border crossing points Kjafasan and Deve Bair and implement a new video surveillance system, integrated with automatic number plates recognition system.

Objective:: 2021/2024

Value: USD 8.82 million

Outcome: New National Single Window System (NSW) implemented; reconstructed BCPs Deve Bair and Kjafasan and established joint controls at BCP Kjafasan; Purchased and functional New Video Surveillance System, integrated with Automatic Number Plates Recognition System.

Проект „Воспоставување на анализа на ризик и царински податочен склад за Царинската управа на Република Северна Македонија“ - подржан од Царинската служба на Јужна Кореја


Objective: This Project is anticipated to significantly enhance the advancement and deployment of a risk management system and data warehouse tailored to the requirements of the Customs Administration for conducting customs procedures. The establishment of such a system will facilitate more effective targeting of declarations posing risks such as underpayment of duties relative to the actual value of goods, incorrect customs classification, or misrepresentation of goods' origins through timely alerting mechanisms.

Duration: 2023-2026

Value: USD 4,8 million  

Outcome:  Advanced Risk Management System, integrated with the newly implemented data warehouse will be introduced. The data warehouse system will encompass customs data, analyzing information concerning airport passengers, transit goods, customs clearance procedures and additional data from various systems, enabling customs officers to take appropriate actions. Training sessions will be conducted to enhance operational capabilities in using and navigating the system effectively. Furthermore, the project will involve expanding the current IT infrastructure by provisioning hardware and software tailored to project requirements.

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