New Computerized Transit System (NCTS)

The New Computerized Transit System (NCTS) uses advanced technologies and electronic data processing. It is a modern tool for transit procedure through exchange of electronic messages between economic operators and customs offices, as well as only between customs offices. It is a tool for management and control of transit operations, enabling modern and efficient management of these operations.

Customs transit is a cornerstone for European integration and of vital interest to European businesses. It enables easier and cheaper movement of goods and simpler and faster customs formalities. To ensure its smooth implementation, two conventions between the European Economic Community and EFTA countries were signed in 1987 concluded. The Convention on a Common Transit Procedure of 20th May 1987 determines the common transit procedure while the Convention on the Simplification of the Formalities in Trade in Goods, also of 20th May 1987 means simplification of formalities in import, export and transit through the introduction of the Single Administrative Document (SAD).Members of these conventions are the EU Member States, EFTA, Turkey, Serbia and Macedonia.

The Republic of Macedonia became a member of the Convention on a Common Transit Procedure and the Convention on the simplification of the formalities in trade in goods on 1st July 2015. The accession to the convention ensures easier and faster movement of goods because the transit procedure is performed by submitting a single transit declaration in electronic form in the place of departure which and this declaration is valid until the place of destination within the contracting parties to the Conventions. This transit declaration is at the same time used as a so-called entry summary declaration, which should be submitted for all goods at entry into any EU Member State.

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