Customs licenses

Representation activities in customs procedures can be executed by person that a holder of a license for representation activities.


Call for submission of applications for authorization for representation activities

With regard to the Law on Representation Activities in Customs Procedures (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 180 of 05.12.2014) and its amendments (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 154 of 04.09.2015), we hereby inform the authorized representatives and licensed representatives that they need to submit requests for authorisations for representation activities and requests for issuance of a license no later than 14.12.2015 pursuant the conditions of Article 5 i.e. 7, paragraphs (2) and (3) item a.

In the event of failure to submit a request until the deadline specified, the issued authorisation i.e. license for representation activities shall cease to be valid.

The application for authorisation for representation activities in customs procedures must be accompanied by the following documents:

  1. Decision and Balance Sheet issued by the Central Registry of the Republic of Macedonia;
  2. An employment contract for an indefinite period or an relevant act for employment of at least one person holding a license for representation activities in customs procedures;
  3. Authorization (power of attorney) for signing customs declarations for the person who holds a license for representation activities;
  4. A written statement that the holder of authorisation will guarantee the fulfillment of the obligations related to representation in customs procedures;
  5. Property deeds issued by the Agency for Cadastre for ownership of Business Premises or Commercial Property Lease Contract;
  6. Specification of equipment used for representation activities in customs procedures and description and specification of the system for access to the customs declaration processing system and other documents of the Customs Administration;
  7. Certificate issued by the competent court that the applicant and its responsible person has not been found guilty with a legally valid decision of a competent court for a criminal act against the public finances, payment operations and the economy, a criminal offense against official duty, criminal offense against legal affairs or criminal act determined by the Law on Excises in the last two years and
  8. A certificate issued by the Public Revenue Office that there are no outstanding liabilities to the state
  9. Evidence for paid administrative fee in the amount of 50 and 500 denars

The following documents must be attached to the application for issuing a license for representation activities:

    • Certificate (proof) for completion of minimum secondary education from a secondary school certified by a notary;
    • Certificate issued by an authorized customs agent or holder of authorization for simplified customs procedures with whom he has acquired customs related work experience of at least two years
    • Certificate for passed exam for a licensed representative or license;
    • Certificate issued by the competent court that the applicant and its responsible person has not been found guilty with a legally valid decision of a competent court for a criminal act against the public finances, payment operations and the economy, a criminal offense against official duty, criminal offense against legal affairs or criminal act determined by the Law on Excises in the last two years;
    • Proof of paid fee for issuing a license for performing representation activities in customs procedures in the amount of 1800 denars
    • Proof of paid administrative fee in the amount of 50 and 500 denars

For the purpose of timely issuance of the authorisations and licenses for customs representation activities, please submit the required documents to the Customs Administration in due time.

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