Live Animals, Pets, Animal and Plant Products

Живи животни

Special licenses and permits are required for pets, live animals, animal and plant products and plants.


When travelling with pets, both within and outside Macedonia, the owner, i.e. person responsible must have documentation for identification:

  • Veterinary – health certificate issued by an authorized vet from the country of departure
  • Passport issued by an authorized vet from the country of departure, which is mandatory for all dogs, cats and ferrets, or
  • Statement given by the owner or person responsible , mandatory for all birds, provided they come from a country member of the World Organisation of Animal Health (OIE).

Customs shall allow import of pets in the Republic of Macedonia that are not intended for trade, no matter their number, provided the Veterinary Inspectorate, following pervious examination and health check, gives consent for import, i.e. issues a Veterinary Entry Document – VED.


Passengers are entitled to bring in products of animal origin (white and yellow cheese, delicatessen) in total quantity of 1 kg. Products of animal origin, the total amount of which exceeds 1 kg, cannot be brought in Macedonia without a certificate confirming that they have been inspected by the Veterinary and Sanitary Inspectorate.


If you bring plants, flowers, fruit and vegetables into Macedonia, you will need an authorisation issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy - Phytosanitary Agency confirming that these products are healthy and free from diseases. In addition, these products must be inspected by phytosanitary inspection services.

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