MVT Calculator

The Law on Motor Vehicles Tax was adopted on 18th  December 2019 and published in the Official Gazette no. 261/2019. The Law is in force since 1st  January 2020.

The motor vehicles tax replaces  the passenger vehicle excise duty. It is calculated differently from the excise duty, which was charged depending on the value of the vehicle.

The new Law introduces two new components in the calculation of the motor vehicle tax: Ad Valorem component which implies taxing of a certain percentage of the vehicle value, and Specific component, which takes into consideration the emission of CO2. This way, the eco vehicels that have a lower CO2 emission rate are more cost-effective compared to the vehicles with a higher CO2 emission rate. The average CO2 emission is calculated on the basis of an EU certificate of conformity (COC). More details on this subject are available on: Passenger vehicles.

Below is a motor vehicle tax calculator, which can help you calculate the import vehicle tax. The calculator is to be used for consultation purposes only, as it is only indicatory. The precise tax amount is calculated in a import customs clearance procedure, because it depends on a number of factors, such as the origin of the vehicle, the tariff code, the vehicle type, etc.

MVT calculator

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