Воспоставување на нов граничен премин (ГП) Струмјани – Берово (Клепало) помеѓу Бугарија и Северна Македонија

    The project is financed under the IPA 3 Programme for cross-border cooperation with the Republic of Bulgaria for 2021-2027.

    The strategic project for the construction/rehabilitation of a new border crossing Strumyani - Berovo (Klepalo) is a joint project of Bulgaria and North Macedonia. This project aims to enhance connectivity between the two nations, streamline trade processes, and promote tourism exchange. By operationalizing the new border crossing point, it will ease regular traffic flow, spur economic growth in the region, and provide direct connectivity to the vital Struma motorway, an integral component of the trans-European transport network.


    The project is divided in 2 phases.

    In the first phase, which is expected to end in 2026, preparatory activities related to planning, design and selection of contractors will be carried out.

    In the second phase - from 2027 to 2029, construction activities of the infrastructure of the border complex will be realized. Several buildings and road infrastructure will be built on Bulgarian territory, while existing structures and facilities will be reconstructed and modernized on the Macedonian side.

    Objective: Developing sustainable, climate resilient, intelligent and intermodal national, regional and local mobility, including improved access to TEN-T and cross-border mobility". Having a new BCCP built and operated on both sides of the border the expected changes will be related to facilitating the increasing traffic of people and goods between the two countries; strengthening communication links between the two countries and improving and extending access to core TEN-T, including the connection with Corridors IV and VIII, which is to improve regional connectivity and boost the economic growth of the programme area.

    Duration: 2023-2029

    Value: EUR 3.6million for the Macedonian side

    Outcome: Constructed/upgraded and functional border crossing point Klepalo. Improved connectivity between the two countries, facilitating trade and encouraging tourism. Facilitation of frequent traffic between the two countries, stimulation of the economic development of the region and direct access to the Struma highway, which is an important part of the trans-European transport network.

    Реконструкција и модернизација на граничен премин (ГП) Делчево со Бугарија согласно ЕУ стандарди

    The project will be implemented in two components:

    1. Reconstruction and modernization of the border crossing point Delchevo(renovation of the administrative building, reconstruction and upgrade of the terminal building, reconstructed road infrastructure at the border crossing point, construction of a waste water treatment plant) in order to improve its conditions and capacities. The border crossing will undergo significant reconstruction that will enable better working conditions for customs and police officers and will directly enable more efficient and timely implementation of procedures.
    2. Modernization of state owned customs terminals with modern equipment and technology for customs processes. The second component will include modernization of the equipment at 9 border crossing points in the Republic of North Macedonia, as well as integrating these components and elements with modern customs solutions. Within this component, a direct impact on the efficiency and shortened time for customs procedures is foreseen.


    Global objective: To improve security in Republic of North Macedonia at its borders while supporting the free movement of people and goods.

    Specific objectives: To improve conditions and facilities at the border crossing Delchevo, as well as provision of modern equipment and new technologies performing customs processes.

    Duration:  2024 – 2027 (36 months)

    Value: EUR 4.2million

    Outcome: Reconstructed and upgraded border crossing point Delchevo (administrative building, terminal building for goods clearance, road infrastructure at the border crossing, built and functional waste water treatment plant), procured and installed equipment on at least 9 border crossings in the Republic of North Macedonia with a developed and functional ICT integrator.

    Изградба на ганичен премин со Република Грција – Маркова Нога


    Objective: This project entails the construction and the equipment of the border crossing facilities of new border crossing point Markova Noga on the side of North Macedonia allowing more intensive cooperation between the border municipalities, as well as conditions for local economic growth and development of tourism between North Macedonia and Greece.

    Duration: 18 months (start 2024)

    Value: EUR 2.1 million   

    Outcome: Constructed and equipped border crossing point, installation of the needed control, traffic, water supply, sewerage, electrical, telecommunications and lightening infrastructure, ensuring of the necessary operational and administrative capacities for the smooth operation of the border crossing point.

    Развој на системи за регистрација и идентификација на економски оператор (EORI) и Eднообразно управување со корисници и дигитален потпис (UUM&DS)


    Objective: The project will  ensure compliance of the Republic of North Macedonia with the EU requirements concerning the establishment of  a system for unified management of external users (Economic Operators, Traders) and their access to customs systems (UUM & DS - Unified User Management & Digital Signatures) enabling  unified identification of economic operators and other external users, their access to national customs systems, and access to EU customs systems, including European centralized customs services, in accordance with security policies, legal provisions and operational responsibilities in order facilitate trade and business operations and to bring the country closer to the EU market and the Customs Union.

    More precisely the scope of the project is to develop and implement the following systems:

    • Economic Operators' Registration and Identification System (EOS/EORI2) as a unique system of registration and identification for economic operators in the Customs domains.
    • Unified User Management & Digital Signatures (UUM&DS) System as a system that allows Traders to access number of supporting Customs IT systems, in line with the security policies, legal provisions and operational responsibilities.

    Duration: 24 months (start 2024) 

    Value: EUR 2 million   

    Outcome:  Putting in place a System for Identity and Access Management (IAM) integrating Uniform User Management and Digital signature, in accordance with MASP, and a System for Registration of Economic Operators (EORI2) in line with the latest EU requirements. The system will enable unique identification and access for the economic operators, recognised by customs authorities. This will serve as a common reference for exchanging information between the customs authorities and, where appropriate, between Customs and other authorities/ institutions – in line with the new requirements defined in the Union Customs Code (UCC). 

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