International Cooperation

Меѓународна соработка

The Customs Administration of the Republic of North Macedonia actively participates in the work of all international organizations dealing in the area of customs operations: the World Customs Organization (WCO), the World Trade Organization (WTO), UN working bodies, SELEC and other.

To ensure development, enhancement and implementation of customs policies, identify priorities and strategies for future development and modernization, ensure closer bilateral and multilateral relations, application of customs procedures in line with international standards, conventions, recommendations and methodologies developed by the World Customs Organization, the Republic of Macedonia is a contracting party to several international conventions.

The cooperation with foreign customs services to promote electronic exchange of customs data aimed to prevent customs fraud, smuggling and crime, improve cooperation between customs officers at operational level, facilitate trade and ensure security at regional and international level is based on signed Agreements for bilateral cooperation on mutual assistance in customs matters.
Special place on the Customs Administration’s agenda is reserved for the activities geared toward permanent alignment and implementation of EU customs legislation in the Republic of Macedonia, fulfillment of technical and organizational requirements, development of administrative capacity and raising the public awareness about the manner and philosophy of the functioning of the Customs Union.

Many projects have been realized and are ongoing at the Customs Administration with the support of foreign and national institutions to ensure modernization of customs operations and further development of the institutional and administrative capacities. Among them are projects for development of IT systems, improvement of the working conditions, introduction of modern customs and excise procedures and many more.

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