International conventions

Конвенција за поедноставување на формалностите при трговија со стока (ЕЦД Конвенција) 1 јули 2015 г.

Convention on the Simplification of Formalities in Trade in Goods (SAD Convention) 1st July 2015  
Adopted  20th May 1997, in Interlaken 
Ratified  in Skopje, 26th May 2015
In force  1st July 2015 
Amendments  /
Law Ratifying the Convention on the Simplification of formalities in Trade in Goods (consolidated version) 
Link to the depositary of the Convention:

Конвенција за формирање на Советот за царинска соработка, 01 јули 1994 година

Convention Establishing a Customs Cooperation Council
Adopted 15th December 1950, Brussels (in force since 4th November 1952)
Retified /
In force 1st July 1994– in succession
Amendments Amendments to the Convention Establishing the Customs Cooperation Council (adopted by the Council at its Session in June 2007) – still in force
Link to Depositary of the Convention

Конвенција за заедничка транзитна постапка, 1 јули 2015 година

Convention on a Common Transit procedure
Adopted /
Ratified In Skopje, 26th May 2015
In force /
Amendments /
Law Ratifying the Convention on a Common Transit Procedure (Consolidated Version)
Link to the Depositary of the Convention

Истанбулска конвенција, 21 јули 2006 година

International Convention on Temporary Admission (Istanbul Convention)
Adopted /
Ratified In Skopje, 1st March 2006
In force /
Amendments /
International Convention on Temporary Admission (Istanbul Convention)
Link to the Depositary of the Convention

Ревидирана КЈОТО конвенција, 28 јули 2009 година

The International Convention on the simplification and harmonization of Customs Procedures
Adopted 26th June 1993
Ratified /
In force 30th July 1993
Amendments Decree proclaiming the Law Ratifying the Protocol amending the International Convention on the simplification and Harmonisation of Customs Procedures
Link to the Depositary of the Convention

СЕЛЕК конвенција, 7 октомври 2011 година

Convention on the Southeast European Law Enforcement Center (SELEC)
Adopted 9th December 2009 in Bucharest
Ratified 7th February 2011
In force 7th October 2011
Amendments /
Link to the Depositary of the Convention

ТИР конвенција, 2 декември 1993 година

The Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention)
Adopted 14th November 1975, Geneva
Ratified 17th November 1991
In force 2nd December 1993– in succession
Amendments /
Link to the Depositary of the Convention

ПEM конвенција

The Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Convention on rules of origin
Adopted 15.06.2011
Ratified 22.05.2012
In force 07.06.2012
Amendments /
Regional Convention on Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Preferential Rules of Origin
Link to the Depositary of the Convention

ЦМР конвенција, 28 септември 1997 година

Protocol to the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road
Adopted 5 July 1978, Geneva
Retrified 26 May 1997
In force 28 September 1997
Amendments /
Link to the Depositary of the Convention

Конвенција за хармонизиран систем (ХС), 31 март 1995 година

The International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS Convention)
Adopted 14 June 1983, Brussels, (amended 24 June 1986)
Ratified /
In force 31 March 1995– in succession (from SFRY)
Amendments /
Link to the Depositary of the Convention
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