Integrated Tariff Environment (ITE) is a business concept that groups together most of the computer systems for information exchange between the European Commission and EU Member States. The main objective of the project is to harmonize Customs IT systems with the corresponding Tariff systems that comprise the ITE of the European Union.


The introduction of ITE is mandatory precondition for EU accession to be able to access the common European market and the Customs Union of the EU. ITE will strengthen the operational capacity of the Customs Administration according to EU standards, particularly in relation to customs tariffs, which are the basis of customs procedures. The aim is to ensure full compatibility and interoperability between the IT systems of the Customs Administration and the corresponding IT systems of the EU Customs.

With this project, the Customs Administration will implement business processes compatible with ITE and will also introduce the IT systems to support them.


ITE contains the following systems: TARIM (national implementation of TARIC- Integrated Tariff of the EU), European Binding Tariff Information System (EBTI), Quota System, Surveillance System, European Customs Inventory of Chemical Substances System (ECICS) and Sample Management System.

These systems are:

  • TARIM – contains a module for calculation of customs duties which is of key importance for consistent and efficient collection of correct customs duties and implementation of other economic measures;
  • Quota system – management of EU import quota based on “first come - first served’ principle;
  • Surveillance System – used for import and export monitoring and supports the implementation of the trade measures;
  • European Binding Tariff Information – system for management and publication of binding tariff information
  • European Customs Inventory of Chemical Substances– list of substances defined according to EU regulation;
  • Sample Management System – contains database of samples of customs stamps, seals and necessary documents for customs procedures.


Prior to accession to EU, the economic operators will benefit from more efficient operations through the system.

  • Online (electronic) access via TARIM system to the information previously available in hard copy (at this moment available in the manual – Customs clearance Guide). The information available will cover: customs duties, national VAT, national excise duty and national nontariff measures such as import and export restrictions (licences and authorisations)
  • TARIM contains additional information which will reduce the need for consultation of the legislation
  • The information in the system will be available even after their end use period.
  • Access to the calculation module –possibility for calculation of customs and other duties, as well as available information on documents (licenses/certificates) required for import and export.

All the above means faster, easier and more transparent access to the information for the economic operators, as well as obtaining a more efficient services, having positive impact on the daily operations.

After the accession to the EU, the uniform application of the customs measures by all EU Member States will enable:

  • Integrated data – greater transparency and easily understandable information;
  • Centralised quota distribution – equal treatment for all EU Member States; 
  • Centralised maintenance and control of the system by the EU;
  • Availability of older EU information for consultation;
  • Significant efficiency in the overall customs operations;
  • Increased competence and high-quality services delivered by the customs officers;  
  • Protection of the economy (for example, by using anti- dumping measures);
  • Import and export monitoring through the Surveillance System.

The afore-mentioned will ensure protection for the economic operators and the Customs Administration, in regard to:

  • Electronic publication of the integrated tariff information;
  • Administration and maintenance of accurate and up-to-date data;
  • Automatic validation of tariff codes and other data;
  • Automatic calculation of customs duties;
  • Uniform and consistent implementation of regulations.


The most important application – TARIM must be implemented prior to accession to EU. When we became part of the EU, the previously gained experience with national measures will enable easier cross over to EU measures. In the meantime, economic operators will enjoy the benefits of aa more efficient system.

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