Acting Director

Boban Nikolovski


St. Clement of Ohrid University Bitola:

- Master of Business Administration

St. Clement of Ohrid University Bitola, FTH, Ohrid:

- Bachelor in Customs and Freight-Forwarding Management

Highschool “Goce Delchev” Kumanovo

- Natural Sciences and Mathematics section



28.06.2024 – appointed Acting Director General of the Customs Administration of the Republic of North Macedonia  

28.05.2024 – 27.06.2024:  Member of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia

10.02.2022 – 27.05.2024: Director of PE Kumanovo Plan

11.03.2008 – 09.02.2022: employee of the Customs Administration of the Republic of North Macedonia, holding several positions in Regional Customs House Skopje and Kumanovo: customs officer, senior customs officer, senior customs officer – shift leader, senior advisor for customs supervision and Head of Customs Offices Deve Bair and Tabanovce.



During his tenure in the Customs Administration, he attended in a wide array of professional training sessions, encompassing topics such as ethics and anti-corruption measures, tariff classification, valuation and origin rules, trade policy measures, drug identification and smuggling prevention, customs tariff regulations, sample handling procedures, the Convention on a Common Transit Procedure and NCTS, protection of intellectual property rights, combating smuggling and illegal migration, border management, implementation of competencies, e-learning on gender equality etc.



Mother tongue: Macedonian

Other languages: English (CEFR skill profile – British Council)

Computer literacy: Microsoft Office

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