


Law Ratifying the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia and the Government of the Republic of Serbia on mutual recognition of AEOS authorisations   
Concluded In Skopje, 26th August 2019 
Ratified 12 December 2019
In force Official Gazette of RNM no 259 of18 December 2019 

Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Government of the Republic of Serbia establishing border procedures at the railway border crossing point Tabanovce - Preshevo (in Macedonian and Serbian language) 
Concluded In Skopje, 16th February 2015 
Ratified 26 August 2015 
In force  Official Gazette of RM no 148 of 31 August 2015 

Protocol on electronic exchange of customs data between the Customs Administrations of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Macedonia 
Concluded 19 December 2006 
Ratified /
In force  24 July 2007 

Agreement on the harmonised data set to be exchanged electronically via SEED between the Customs Administrations of the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Serbia 
Concluded 6 August 2009 
Ratified /
In force /

Protocol on the electronic exchange of customs data between the Customs Administrations of the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Serbia (via SEED)
Concluded 31 December 2010 
Ratified /
In force  /


Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan on cooperation and mutual assistance in customs matters 
Concluded In Baku, on12 April 2012 
Ratified 10 September 2012 
In force  27 December 2012 (published in the Republic of North Macedonia no. 76 of 23 May 2013 )


Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Government of the Republic of Kosovo on border dispatching for rail transport
Concluded In Skopje, on 15 September 2011 
Ratified 14 February 2012 
In force /

Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Government of the Republic of Kosovo on cooperation and mustual assistance in customs matters
Concluded In Skopje, on 11 February 2011 
Ratified 19 November 2011 
In force  17 December 2011 

Protocol on electronic exchange of customs data between the Customs Administrations of the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Macedonia 
Concluded 1 October 2010 
Ratified /
In force  /

Agreement on the harmonised set of data to be exchanged electronically via SEED between the Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia and the Customs Administration of Kosovo 
Concluded 1 октомври 2010 година во Скопје
Ratified /
In force  /


Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Government of the Republic of Slovakia on copperation and mutual assistance in customs matters С
Concluded In Skopje, on 16 July 2006 
Ratified 01 August 2008 
In force  26 October 2008 (Official gazette of the Republic of Macedonia no. 115 of 12 September 2008 )


Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on mutual assistance in customs matters 
Concluded in Chișinău, on 07 July 2005 
Ratified  17 January 2006 
In force  1 April 2006 


Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Government of the Republic of Turkey on mutual cooperation between their customs services 
Concluded 09 May 1997 
Ratified 9 July 1997 
In force  1 October 1997 

Decree promulgating the Law ratifying the amendments to Protocol 2 to the Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Turkey amended with decision 1/2008
Concluded In Skopje, 18 February 2009 
Ratified  /
In force  /

Law Ratifying the the Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Turkey 
Concluded 1995 
Ratified /
In force /

Decree promulgating the Law Ratifying the Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Turkey 
Concluded In Ankara, 7 September 1999 
Ratified In Skopje, 17 December 1999 
In force /

НР Кина

Law Ratifying the Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Government of the People's Republic of China
Concluded 1995 
Ratified /
In force  /





Agreement between the Macedonian Government and the Albanian Government on mutual assistance and cooperation between their customs authorities 
Concluded In Skopje, on 15 January 1998 
Ratified 19 March 1998 
In force 3 April 1998 

Protocol on electronic exchange of customs data between the Customs Administrations of the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Albania 
Concluded 8 October 2003 
Ratified /
In force /

Agreement on the harmonised set of data to be exchanged electronically via SEED between the Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia and the Customs Administration of the Republic of Albania 

Concluded 29 September 2010 in Durres
Ratified /
In force /
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania on the establishment of joint border crossings between the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Albania   
Concluded 10 June 2021 
Ratified Official gazette of the RNM no. 279/2021 of15.12.2021
In force 01 February 2022 
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia and the Government of the Republic of Albania on mutual recognition of Authorised Economic Operators - safety and security authorisations (AEOS) 


Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Government of the Republic of Finland on mutual cooperation in customs matters 
Concluded In Helsinki, on 7 July 2006 
Ratified 19 February 2007 
In force  10 September 2007 





Црна Гора


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