Our Role

our role

The Customs Administration, as a body within the Ministry of Finance with a status of separate legal entity was established on 14th April 1992 with the adoption of the Law on the Customs Administration, thus becoming directly competent to implement laws and other regulations of the Republic of Macedonia in the area of Customs. 14th April is the Customs Day and is celebrated each year.

The Customs Administration performs tasks in its competence through the Central Administration – Headquarters in Skopje which coordinates and manages the customs competences throughout the entire territory of the Republic of Macedonia and the Regional Customs Houses which coordinate and manage a region.

The Customs Administration and its employees perform their duties and tasks pursuant the Law on the Customs Administration, the Customs Law, the Law on Customs Tariff, the Law on Excise Duties, the Law on Customs Measures for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, the Law on Representation Activities in Customs Procedures and other laws stipulating competences of the Customs Administration.

The basic competences of the Customs Administration are:

  • Customs supervision, customs clearance of goods, customs control, excise surveillance throughout the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, investigative and intelligence measures to prevent, detect and investigate customs offenses and criminal offenses;
  • Protection of the safety and security of people, animals and plants, protection of objects of historical, artistic and archaeological value, copyright and other rights, as well as other measures of the commercial policy prescribed by law;
  • Post-clearance customs controls;
  • Internal controls and audits in all areas of customs operations and the overall functioning of the Customs Administration to detect cases of failure to comply with laws and internal acts and abuses in the performance of official duties by employees;
  • Conducting a misdemeanor procedure, imposing a misdemeanor sanction for committed customs, excise and foreign currency misdemeanor, as well as initiating a procedure for criminal acts laid down by law.

In exercising their competencies, the Customs Administration and its employees act uncompromisingly in accordance with the Constitution, laws, ratified international agreements and other regulations adopted on grounds of the law, ensuring their equal, impartial, unbiased application and are guided by the following principles and values: professionalism, fairness, simplicity, efficiency, transparency, fight against corruption, leadership, social responsibility, care of human capacities and governance in accordance with international quality standards.

The Customs Administration is the sole institution competent for administration of excises throughout the entire territory of the country. The Customs Administration is also competent for conducting controls of holders of excise licenses and permits and trade stakeholders dealing with trade in excise goods.


To be the leading Customs Administration in the region, recognized as proven protector of the borders and society, reliable partner and strong supporter of the legal economy, a modern and innovative Customs service with fully implemented standards of the European Union.


To protect the financial interests, society and the environment, at the same time supporting the economic development through cooperation, facilitation and modernization.

Strategic documents

Strategy on ICT Development of the CA 2021-2025

Strategic plan of the Customs administration of the Republic of North Macedonia 2021-2023

Development Strategy of the Customs Administration North Macedonia 2022-2024

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