Cash Allowances upon Exit

Изнесување на ефективни странски пари

Residents can take out from the Republic of Macedonia effective foreign currencies and cheques denominated in foreign currencies whose total aggregate value amounts up to equivalent amount of 2,000 Euros.


Residents* may take out effective foreign currencies and cheques denominated in foreign currencies from the Republic of Macedonia in amounts exceeding 2,000 Euros and up to 10,000 Euros, provided that the imported effective foreign currencies and cheques are duly declared to the competent customs authorities at the moment of crossing the border.

Residents can take out effective foreign currencies from the Republic of Macedonia based on a certificate/document issued by authorized bank or exchange office for purchased of foreign effective currencies or based on a certificate/document issued by a bank on withdrawal of foreign cash (effective foreign currencies) from a personal foreign currency account.

The certificate of paragraph 3 of this Article shall be valid until the first crossing of a border and not later than 90 days of the day of its issuance.

Residents are not allowed to take out effective foreign currencies, the amount of which exceeds 10,000 Euros.


The amount of effective foreign currencies and cheques denominated in foreign currencies that non-residents** would take out from the Republic of Macedonia cannot exceed the amount they declared to the competent customs authorities when they crossed the border.

*Legal entities registered in the Republic of Macedonia and their representative offices abroad, foreign companies’ subsidiaries, registered in the Republic of Macedonia, natural entities with permanent residency in the Republic of Macedonia, natural entities with regulated temporary stay in the Republic of Macedonia and diplomatic and consular offices of the Republic of Macedonia abroad.

** All other legal and natural entities not having the status of residents.

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