Technical assistance for testing the functionality and the interconnectivity of the Customs IT Systems in the Customs Administration

Проект „Техничка помош за тестирање на функционалностите и интерконективноста на царинските ИТ системи во Царинската управа“

Project facts:

Objective: fulfillment of the EU conformity requirements and verify the compatibility of the interfaces and interoperability between the Customs Declarations and Excise Processing System (CDEPS) and the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS), the Integrated Tariff Environment (ITE) - EU systems, the Import Control System (ICS), the Export Control System (ECS) and the EU Excise Movement and Control System (EMCS).

Duration: 12 months (2015 - 2016)

Value: EUR 146,000

Outcome: Prepared detailed analysis of future EU Interoperability requirements; Preparation of Testing Strategy, test scenarios and conducted testing to meet the requirements for interconnection of CDEPS with other IT systems of Customs, monitoring the progress of the implementation of the recommendations for fulfillment of the requirements and reporting on the fulfillment of the requirements and recommending steps for fulfillment of the requirements

Проект „Техничка помош за изработка на идеен проект, основен проект и тендерска документација за изведбени работи на граничните премини Табановце и Ќафасан“

Project facts:

Objective: Preparation of technical documentation for upgrade of the road border crossing points Tabanovce and Kjafasan.

Duration: 24 months (start July 2015, ending July 2017)

Value: EUR 178,000

Outcome: Prepared blueprints for the project designs, project designs and drafting tender dossiers for the works at the road Border Crossing Tabanovce and road Border Crossing Kjafasan.

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