Strengthening the capacity of the Customs Administration

The project “Strengthening the capacity of the Customs Administration” to meet the EU requirements for an integrated tariff environment of the EU (CITE) for approximation of the Republic of Macedonia to the common market of the EU and the Customs Union, which consisted of 3 components:

  1. “Development of Integrated Tariff Environment Systems”,
  2. “Support in the management of the systems for Integrated Tariff Environment” and
  3. “Procurement of equipment for strengthening the operational capacities of the Customs Administration”

The objective of the project is to strengthen the operational capacity of the Customs Administration in accordance with EU standards in key customs and tax areas of the Customs Tariff of the European Community and to ensure full compatibility and interoperability of customs IT systems with relevant European Customs Interoperability Systems (TARIC) European Binding Tariff Information (EBTI), quota, supervision, European Customs Inventory of Chemical Substances (ECICS).

Project facts:

Objective: To ensure full compatibility and interoperability of the computer system of the Customs Administration with the EU customs computer systems. The project implements the following systems: the EU tariff system, EU binding tariff information, allocation of customs quotas, surveillance of goods, as well as the European customs system for inventory of chemical substances. Procured and put into operation and appropriate computer equipment.

Duration: 24 months (2012 - 2014).

Value: EUR 2,7 million

Outcome: Introduced business concept "Integrated Tariff Environment (ITO)", in order to move closer to the common European market and the EU Customs Union. This concept represents the grouping of all data on import, export and transit procedures in multiple computer systems through which the exchange of information between the EC and the EU member states is enabled. This data is processed in appropriate modules of the system: calculation of customs duties, quotas, surveillance system, binding tariff information, inventory of chemical substances, which allows economic operators to operate more efficiently and cheaply through online access to the necessary information, calculation of duties and to identify the required documents. This means simpler, faster and more transparent access to information, which will have a positive impact on their daily work. Upon accession to the EU, the application of EU measures will be enabled through the same system, which will enable the unified application of customs measures, greater transparency and clearer information, greater efficiency in overall customs operations and greater expertise and better service by customs officials.

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