Набавка за подобрување на капацитетите за контрола на царината

Project facts

General objective: to improve customs control capacities through the use of modern means and equipment.  

Specific objective: to increase the  efficiency in detecting and preventing customs fraud and illicit trade through the procurement of scanning equipment for means of transport and goods and vehicles for the service dogs of the Customs Administration.

Duration: 18 months (2020 – 2021)

Value: 1.45 million Euro 

Result: Procured 6 vehicles for transfer of customs dogs and one mobile scanner for large vehicles and containers. 

Подобрување на наплатата а приходите и царинските прописи

(Twinning – ИПА 2) for harmonization of the legislation and capacity building. Beneficiaries: Customs Administration, Ministry of Finance and Public Revenue Office.  

Project facts:

Objective: to improve the stability, efficiency and quality of the overall revenue system in the country and to ensure sustainable and good public finance management. The project covers harmonization of tax and customs legislation in line with relevant EU legislation and best practices, as well as improving the operational and administrative capacity of key institutions in the system. In addition, the project aims to simplify tax and customs procedures, including reporting and payment, by reducing administrative procedures and costs and improving the quality of tax and customs services provided to citizens.

Duration: 2020-2023

Value: EUR 3.5 million  

Outcome: Better management of public finances, improved operational and administrative capacities of the participating institutions, simplified customs and tax procedures, as well as improved quality of tax and customs services. 

Обезбедување на континуитет на деловните процеси во Царинската управа и зачувување на податоците преку консолидација на ИКТ системите и воспоставување на заеднички Податочен центар во случај на криза и природни непогоди (

Ensuring continuity of business processes of the Customs Administration and data warehousing through consolidation of ICT systems and establishment of a Disaster Recovery Centre, as part of the Public Finance Management Programme 

Project facts

Objective:  The project aims to strengthen the revenue collection operational capacity and business processes by modernizing the customs information and communication system (hardware, software and quality assurance and implementation technical support). The equipment necessary for the establishment of a Disaster Recovery Centre will be provided under the project to ensure full data and business processes for the Customs Administration.

Duration: 2021 - 2022

ValueEUR 1.6 million

OutcomeEstablished Disaster Recovery Centre

We Cross Borders

„We Cross Borders“, project for cross-border cooperation with the Republic of Greece (IPA Programme for cross-border cooperation between the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Greece 2014-2020)

Project facts

Objective: Modernization and upgrade of the border crossing points Bogorodica and Dojran, which will contribute to greater functionality, faster traffic flow and increased quality of services for employees and passengers, as users of border crossing points.

Duration: 2020-2023

Value: EUR 50.000

Outcome: Build-in weighbridge for trucks at entrance of the country at border crossing point Bogorodica. 

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