Strengthening the capacity of the Customs Administration to implement customs and excise legislation

The general objective of the project was to further harmonize the legislation with the EU legislation in the field of excises and to further strengthen the administrative and operational capacity of the Customs Administration for implementation of customs and excise legislation, as well as to complete preparations for accession to the Convention on Common Transit Procedure, Convention on the facilitation of trade in goods. The project consisted of 2 components:

Хармонизација на законодавството и постапките со законодавството и добрата практика на ЕУ во областа на акцизите

Project facts:

Objective: Full harmonization of the national legislation related to excises with that of the EU, as well as strengthening of the administrative and operational capacities of the Customs Administration in the process of meeting the European standards.

Duration: 18 months (2015 - 2016)

Value: EUR 0.95 million

Outcome: A draft Excise Law has been drafted that is largely in line with EU directives and covers best practices and procedures from several EU member states. The law contains provisions that are applicable immediately and provisions that will be applicable after the accession of the Republic of Macedonia to the EU. Also, three draft rulebooks have been prepared, which more closely determine the manner of implementation of the provisions of the law. Corresponding tables for compliance of the law with the EU regulations have been prepared, which are a key indicator for measuring the success of this project.

The project was implemented with the assistance of the Austrian Customs Service as a twinning partner.

Завршување на постапката за пристапување кон Конвенцијата за заеднички транзитни постапки и Конвенцијата за поедноставување на формалностите во трговијата со стока

Project facts:

Objective: approximation of the manner of implementation of the customs procedures in the Republic of Macedonia to the European standards and best practices through preparation of the regulations and internal procedures related to the implementation of the Convention on Common Transit.

Duration: 21 months (2014 - 2016)

Value: EUR 0,947,000

Outcome: Under this project, on 1st July 2015 the Republic of Macedonia became part of the common EU transit system. Appropriate amendments to the national primary and secondary legislation in the area of transit and the single customs declaration with the Conventions on a Common Transit Procedure and Simplification of the Formalities in Trade in Goods were made, certain changes were made in the organizational setup by strengthening certain organizational units - main bearers of the joint transit procedure, an electronic communication connection with the European Commission was provided, a computer system for transit, so called New Computerised Transit System was developed, installed and repeatedly successfully tested, as grounds for conducting the transit procedure through the exchange of electronic messages between the customs agents and the customs offices, as well as between the customs offices themselves. A number of training courses were organized for the customs officers and customs agents, preparing them for successful work in the common European transit system.

The project was implemented with expert assistance from the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.

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