Interoperability of IT systems of the Customs Administration with the EU IT systems

The project “Interoperability of IT systems of the Customs Administration with EU Customs IT systems” consisted of 2 components

  1. “Implementation of New Computerized Transit System – NCTS” and
  2. “Support in project management for the introduction of NCTS”

and was intended to support the process of meeting the pre-accession requirements for EU membership, in connection with accession to the Common Transit Convention, including support for the implementation of the National Customs Transit System (NCTS) and the Common Communication Network and Common System Interface (CCN/CSI). The aim of the project was to strengthen the operational capacity of the Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia in accordance with EU standards in key customs areas of customs control of the European Community to ensure full compatibility and interoperability of MCR ICT system with NCTS and full connection with European Union systems/DG TAXUD, enabling data exchange through a common communication network and a common system interface (CCN/CSI) infrastructure.

Project facts:

Objective: NCTS software development and quality control

Duration: 24 months (2011 - 2013)

Value: EUR 3 million (EUR 1.5 million - component 1 and EUR 1.4 million - component 2)

Outcome: New computerized transit system (NCTS) compatible with EU transit systems developed. The NCTS in the Republic of Macedonia has been put into operational function at the national level since 1st March 2014, and on 1st July 2015, the Republic of Macedonia became part of the transit system of the European Union. Macedonia’s accession to the Conventions on a common transit procedure and the simplification of formalities in trade in goods ensured a single movement of goods within the member states, from one entry point to the place of completion of the transit procedure, regardless of how many countries and border crossings goods need to transit.

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