Support to the implementation of the Customs Reform Strategy

Техничка помош за унапредување на царинскиот ИТ систем преку подготовка на техничка спецификација за изработка на софтвер за поврзување на националниот со царинските информациони системи на земјите членки на ЕУ

Project facts:

Objective: to improve the project management capacities of the ICT Sector of the Customs Administration and to assist in the preparation of IT projects that are mandatory requirements for EU accession.

Duration: 18 months (2009 - 2011)

Value: EUR 0.7 million

Outcome: Strategic ICT documents prepared for the connection with the customs information systems of the EU member states and the European Commission, technical specifications for the basic software for connection with the customs ICT systems of the EU, and computer equipment was procured.

Техничка помош за зајакнување на граничните контроли

Project facts:

Objective: implementation of efficient and effective customs control, while facilitating the legitimate cross-border movement of passengers and goods, as well as securing the collection of duties and strengthening the capacity of the Customs Administration to combat fraud and counterfeiting.

Duration: 18 months (2009 - 2011)

Value: EUR 0,7 million

Outcome: Introduced new, modern techniques for implementation of customs legislation (technology and tools such as risk analysis), protection of the state border and facilitation of trade in goods through border crossings, promoted modules/courses for customs and business electronic learning (e-learning) created by the EC, and training of trainers to increase the integrity of customs officers. Training of customs dogs for drug detection was provided and technical equipment and vehicles for their transport were procured.

Техничка помош за натамошно усогласување на законодавството со ЕУ

Project facts

Objective: Harmonization of national customs legislation and procedures with EU legislation and best practices in the field of Customs.

Duration: 18 months (2009 - 2011)

Value: EUR 1 million

Outcome: Amendments to the Customs Law, the Regulation on the implementation of the Customs Law and the Rulebook on the manner of filling in the customs declaration and the code of codes have been prepared, as well as internal guidelines for new more efficient customs procedures in accordance with EU standards, and a functional specification for development of excise movement control software - EMCS.

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