
Director General BOBAN NIKOLOVSKI mail: boban.nikolovski_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/ 322 43 42
Deputy Director General GARIP KABA mail: garip.kaba_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/ 329 39 23
Advisor to the Director General SLOBODANKA ALEKSOVSKA

mail: slobodanka.aleksovska_at_customs.gov.mk


Advisor to the Director General GORAN GEROVSKI

mail: goran.gerovski_at_customs.gov.mk

Advisor to the Director General JOHAN TARCHULOVSKI

mail: johan.tarchulovski_at_customs.gov.mk

Независки оделенија

Head for Department for Cooperation with the Director general - Cabinet of the Director
Head of Department for Internal Audit MAJA HRISTOV

mail: maja.hristov_at_customs.gov.mk

tel: 02/ 311 61 88



Head of Customs House Skopje TOMISLAV RAKIКЈEVIKJ mail: tomislav.rakicevic_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/3174 255
Head of Customs House Kumanovo BEKIM AFUZI mail: bekim.afuzi_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 031/ 41 13 41
Head of Customs House Shtip KIRIL ZAJKOV mail: kiril.zajkov_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 032/ 38 08 03
Head of Customs House Gevgelija GORAN PETKOVSKI

mail: goran.petkovski_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 034/ 23 01 01


Head of Customs House Bitola DJOKO TRPOSKI

mail: djoko.trposki_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 047/ 26 93 36


Сектор за меѓународна соработка, проекти и европска интеграција

Director of Sector



tel: 02/ 329 39 83


Head of Department for International Cooperation and European Integration


mail: ilija.janoski_at_customs.gov.mk

tel:02/329 39 10

mob: 071 232 274

Head of Department for Projects and Strategic Planning KATERINA DONESKA mail: katerina.doneska_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/ 329 39 25
mob: 070 315 571

Сектор за царински систем

Director of Sector for Customs System MARJAN TASEVSKI mail: marjan.tasevski_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/329 39 32
Head of Deportment for Customs Tariff, TARIC, Origin and Value of Goods DRAGAN IVANOVSKI mail: dragan.ivanovski_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/ 329 39 94
Head of Department for Customs and Tax Procedures VIOLETA PETKOVA mail: violeta.petkova_at_customs.gov.mk
Head of Department for Border and Transit Formalities OLEG JOSIFOV mail: oleg.josifov_at_customs.gov.mk
Head of Customs Labarotory Department NATALIJA KRUSAROVSKA mail: natalija.krusarovska_at_customs.gov.mk

Head of Department for Integrated Tariff TARIM


mail: ognen.naumov_at_custom.gov.mk

tel: 02/ 329 39 07

mob: 075 673 273

Сектор за професионална одговорност

Director of Sector for Professional Responsibility CEM ARUC mail: cem.aruc_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/ 329 39 83
Head of Department for Internal Controls BOBAN MIRCHEVSKI

mail: boban.mircevski_at_customs.gov.mk

tel: 02/ 317 42 55 

mob: 071 223 460

Head of Department for Integrity ALEKSANDAR VLADIMIROV

mail: aleksandar.vladimirov_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/311 61 88 
mob:070 258 396

Head of Department for Internal Affairs BOZO LOZANOVSKI


тел: 02/329 39 56

Сектор за акцизи

Director of sector for Excise NADEZDA SOPOVA TRAJKOVSKA

mail: nadezda.sopova_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/329 39 41

Head of department for energy-generating products and electricity and motor vehicles

RENEZIJANA KIPRIJANOVA mail: renezijana.kiprijanova_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/329 39 41
mob: 070 313 716

Head of department for alcohol, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products

SANJA UBAVKOVA маил: sanja.ubavkova@customs.gov.mk
mob: 078 801 498
Department for Non-tariff measures and IPR BURIM HAJDARI mail: burim.hajdari_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/329 39 20

Head of department for excise licenses and authorisations


mail: zaneta.vasic_at_customs.gov.mk

тел.02/329 39 65 Моб. 075 967 597

Head of Department for Supervision, Inspection and Coordination


маил: marjan.kostadinosvki_at_customs.gov.mk
тел: 02/

Сектор за контрола и истраги

Director of Sector for Control and Investigations VLATKO LAKORDOV


tel: 02/ 329 39 26


Head of Department for Investigations RISTO MINDOSHEV mail: risto.mindosev_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/ 329 39 89
Head of Department for Control of Trade Companies LJUPCO CINGOSKI mail: ljupco.cingoski_at_customs.gov.mk
Head of Intelegence Department SEMIR MUSA mail: semir.musa_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/ 329 39 39
Head of Operational Maters Department DUSHAN RAZMOVSKI mail: dusan.razmovski_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/3 293 997
Head of Risk Menagment Department GORAN BOGATINOVSKI mail: goran.bogatinovski_at_customs.gov.mk
Head of Customs Call Centre Department JULIJANA GIEVSKA


тел: 02/329 39 56

Сектор за посебни истражни мерки

Director of Sector for Special Investigative Measures

          IGOR TRPEVSKI                             


tel: 071 392 964

Сектор за информатички и комуникациски технологии

Director for Sector for Information and Communications Technologies JANE SAZDOV

mail: jane.sazdov_at_customs.gov.mk

tel: 02/329 39 38

Head of Application Suport Department OLIVERA CALOVSKA mail: olivera.calovska_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02 329 39 44
Head of Development Department ZORAN BLAZEVSKI mail: zoran.blazevski_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/ 329 39 18
Head of Technical Support Unit ANA ARIZANOVIC mail: ana.arizanovic_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/ 329 39 75
mob: 070 327 885

Сектор за управување со човечки ресурси

Director for Sector for Human Resurces Menagment NATASA TRAJANOVSKA mail:natasa.trajanovska_at_customs.gov.mk
Head of Personal Department mail: _at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/329 39 22
Head of Training Department ZAKLINA ANDRESKA mail: zaklina.andreska_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/329 39 22

Сектор за финансиски прашања

Director of Sector for Finacial Affairs SASHA SASHEK mail: sasha.sashek_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/329 39 78
Head of Department for Revenue Collection ZLATKO POPOVIC mail: zlatko.popovic_at_customs.gov.mk
mob: 072 236 327
Head of Department for Accountancy and Finance IGOR STOJANOVSKI mail: igor.stojanovski_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/329 39 83

Сектор за административни и технички работи

Director of Sector Administrative and Technical Affairs DZEVER IMERI

маил: xhever.ymeri_at_customs.gov.mk


Head of Public Procurement Department MIRJANA STANOEVA mail: mirjana.stanoeva_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/3 171 770
Head of Security and Fire Protection Department BASKIM KAMILI mail: baskim.kamili_at_customs.gov.mk
Head of Investments and Maintenance Department PERO DEJKOSKI mail: pero.dejkoski_at_customs.gov.mk_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/3 171 788
Head of Department for Border Crossing Points Management MARIJA MOMIROVSKA mail:marija.momirovska_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/3 171 770
Head of Department for Seized and Abandoned Goods and Warehouses SNEZANA JOVCEVSKA mail: snezana.jovcevska_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/317 13 44

Сектор за правни работи

Director of Sector for Legal Affairs RAMADAN IDRIZI mail: ramadan.idrizi_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/3 116 188
Head of Department for Legal Affairs, Court, Representation and Administrative Procedure METODI MICEVSKI mail: metodi.micevski_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/329 39 60
mob: 070 276 324
Head of Department for Misdemeanor Procedures ELENA ARSENKOVA mail: elena.arsenkova_at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/ 317 11 82
Head of Department for Office and Archive Operations mail: _at_customs.gov.mk
tel: 02/ 329 39 35


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